SchoolHub Review

imageThis app promises to keep students organized and help them complete their assignments by notifying them when an assignment is due or when there is an exam. This app comes for free with a calendar where you can mark your exams, quizzes, homework and all other school things


It also has a dashboard showing al I completed, upcoming and completed assignments or exams so you can take a quick look to see if you need to do anything.


You can also join a class that your teacher creates (very similar to google classroom) and see their posted assignments.imageimage

When teachers and peers join, you can contact them through your contact list  this makes it very easy to get in touch with anyone that you might need to talk to about your assignments .image


Overall, this app is very helpful in the classroom and at home. It helps keep student organized and on track. Not only does it deliver what it promises, but it goes beyond.



My weekend

This weekend I went into New York City to visit family. For the rest of the weekend I did not do much of anything that would be interesting or exciting besides hang out with friends.

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